Created for the Typosophic pavilion at Documenta X. Enclosure by Richard Hamilton, Typography Ecke Bonk and computer hardware and configuration by Edvard Thordén.
In 1982, Edvard Thordén was invited by Richard Hamilton to discuss a paper on perspective in Marcel Duchamp’s ‘Large Glass.’ In exchange, Hamilton wanted help with programming his Epson HX-20 computer. The Epson computer was not suited for word processing, and Hamilton’s main interest was word processing and cataloguing. An American company generously sponsored Hamilton, so he became a test pilot for Ohio Scientific’s new word processor running on OSI hardware. Although he was very satisfied with the word processor, it was not suitable for small databases. Thordén suggested a Unix-based system, and Hamilton purchased the smallest desktop version, Altos 586, running Microsoft’s port of Unix called Xenix.