Welcome to the Gallery
Shop for Contemporary posters and prints
Edvard Thordén Konsthandel was established in 1973 in Gothenburg, Sweden. During the initial five years, the gallery primarily showcased contemporary artists from England and America. In 1978, Björn Wetterling became part of the company, leading to its renaming as Thordén Wetterling Gallery. Björn Wetterling successfully continues business in Stockholm under the name Wetterling Gallery. Today you can find Edvard Thordén Gallery on the net, offering information about the art world and a small shop of prints and posters.
Building a collection
Book recommendation
Kent State by Richard Hamilton
Robert Rauschenberg and Robert Frank
For any information please contact,
Edvard Thordén
Vidblicksgatan 11B
412 57 Göteborg, Sweden
+46 709 29 97 61
Jim Dine, Edvard Thordén Gallery1 726,00 kr
Celia Melrose, by David Hockney2 301,00 kr